My father-in-law is a principal at an elementary school, so we take full advantage of his gym when we have family gatherings or when we just need to wear Keegan out a little. Well, over Easter weekend all of the grandkids went down to the school with their favorite uncle, Jesse, and played a little basketball. Keegan figured he was just as big as the other kids and decided he needed to run with them too. It was so cute because he was in the mix with all of the older kids and was trying to keep up with them and did pretty well but in the end he was just a little slow. But he still had so much fun!!
He has quite the personality lately, he is at the stage when he has to copy everything anybody says or does. For example, when adults laugh, he has to fake laugh right along with us, or if someone is resting their hands on their chin then he has to copy them and do the same, also if he sees somebody folding their arms whether it be to say the prayer or just fold their arms, he has to also fold his arms. The list could go on and on. He is always coming up with new things that amaze me every single day, he cracks me up! I just love the kid.

Playing basketball with the big kids!!
Here is a video of Keegan playing basketball! I couldn't get one with him running with the big kids because as soon as he saw the camera he had to stop and come check it out!! So this video will have to do. He had such a fun time with all of his cousins!!